*insert Fergie's national anthem* Black Panther spoilers: 3:00 - 27:30
*insert Fergie's national anthem* Black Panther spoilers: 3:00 - 27:30
In episode 26, Naomi and Andy bring us sets from a solo Matteo Lane (@MatteoLane) chatting with the couples, plus friends Sydnee Washington (@Justsydnyc) and Marie Faustin (@MsReeezy). They also spend some time chatting about their holiday vacation in New…
Alexander Allen is a senior copywriter at Gut in Miami. Two Superbowl commercials and a Cannes winning campaign are on his record so far. Listen to this episode if you want to take a glimpse into the mind of an…
Sean is joined by the legendary Ann Coulter to discuss her thoughts on why Congress should immediately impeach U.S. District Court Justice James Robart. "He got the facts wrong and for 200 years the Supreme Court has said over and over…