August 31, 2017
Promise rings and pussy sales. (Game of Thrones spoilers 8:00 - 14:25)
Promise rings and pussy sales. (Game of Thrones spoilers 8:00 - 14:25)
Lord Jamar and Smoke DZA stop by to talk Drake and Kanye, Lyrical Rappers never going Pop, and more!! →DONATE TO $HOFFAGANG ON CASH APP← →FOLLOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA← YOUTUBE: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK:
We’re asking ourselves some really deep questions today and sharing even deeper answers. Like the time Keltie and her mom got into a strangers car and were actually okay. Also, what makes us all feel the most alive? Special thanks…
Sean and Amanda dive into the news about the new release strategy for Disney’s long-awaited ‘Black Widow’ and what it means for movie theaters (0:16). Then, they look at the results of the WGA and PGA awards, and the complications…