After two years away, Ross and Carrie return to the Self-Realization Fellowship for the memorial of late president Sri Mrinalini Mata. They have just one burning question... well, really just nine questions... they'd like answered.
After two years away, Ross and Carrie return to the Self-Realization Fellowship for the memorial of late president Sri Mrinalini Mata. They have just one burning question... well, really just nine questions... they'd like answered.
My guest this week is Matt Miles [55:11], 2023 Orvis Guide of the Year. Matt has extensive experience guiding for trout in the Rocky Mountains, but has returned to his home state of Virginia to concentrate on warmwater species, especially…
Reggie Watts (comedy! Comedy Bang Bang! The YMIW theme song!!) makes it weird!
Has Ross lied on the podcast? Does he eat his boogers? Find out in our voice polygraph episode! Carrie asks Ross some very personal (and a few silly) questions, and an expert analyzes his voice to see if he's a…