Ross and Carrie review "The Way to Happiness," a 70-page booklet that is IN NO WAY affiliated with Scientology, other than being written by its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. Hear about their visit to the group that distributes this life-changing tome.
Ross and Carrie review "The Way to Happiness," a 70-page booklet that is IN NO WAY affiliated with Scientology, other than being written by its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. Hear about their visit to the group that distributes this life-changing tome.
In a bumper 2 hour episode neuroscientist, author and fellow podcaster Sam Harris and I discuss the effects and rationality of religious belief, the illusion of freedom, Western intervention in the Middle East and where true power lies.
Rounding out the end of their Girl Defined investigation, Carrie tells Ross about the second day of the online “Fearless Femininity” conference, and reviews the sisters’ book. Among other things, they learn how hard modeling is, what to do when…
It’s the vacay recap you only wanted three minutes of but instead get twenty minutes of! Keltie’s sexy time in the Seychelles, or as we’re calling…the Sex-chelles. Shout out to these sexy sponsors! O-Shot CBD – Go to and…