Nina Fefferman (Professor or Ecology and Evolutionary Biology And Professor of Mathematics at University of Tennessee Knoxville! Associate Director of the One Health Initiative!) makes it weird!
Nina Fefferman (Professor or Ecology and Evolutionary Biology And Professor of Mathematics at University of Tennessee Knoxville! Associate Director of the One Health Initiative!) makes it weird!
‘Nope,’ Jordan Peele’s third feature film as writer-director, is in theaters now. Sean and Van Lathan dig into this complex, fascinating extraterrestrial tale (1:00), before Peele himself joins to talk about how and why he made his movie (1:05:00).Host: Sean…
Mark Morgan, Former Chief of Border Patrol under the Obama Administration and retired Assistant Director of the FBI. He has been an outspoken of the left and their inability to put their party affiliation aside to address the real issue…