(2018/02/16) Florida shooter is allegedly a white supremacist with history of abusing women who passed a background check; N.Y. Teamsters form “sanctuary union” to fight ICE agents

Episode #1845: Sign up to support Allison's future BRAND-NEW podcast at patreon.com/allisonkilkenny for as little as $1/month!

Katharine Heller (@spkheller) joins the show to talk about the health consequences of constant sexual harassment and to recommend RiverdaleAlso, the former wives of top White House aide Rob Porter both told the FBI he abused them and how it took photos of his ex-wife's bruised face for some men to believe her, Florida High School shooting: Nikolas Cruz is allegedly a white supremacist with a history of abusing women and still passed a background check, the FBI was warned about Cruz in September, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin asks Congress to "look at" gun violence, Trump attorney Michael Cohen says he paid Stormy Daniels $130,000, N.Y. Teamsters form "sanctuary union" to fight ICE agents, ICE lawyer in Seattle charged with stealing immigrants' identities, a second judge temporarily blocks Trump from ending DACA as Senate debate stumbles, and media recs for Queer Eye and Frank Ocean's cover of Moon River

The Fun Aunts have discovered leopard print and they're FREAKING OUT. Watch, subscribe, and comment! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikyE7pN1DjQ

*** Desi calendars are available again for the Patreon supporters who sign up or upgrade to $10/month! patreon.com/allisonkilkenny

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