Episode 63 – Fiona (Fiona Flanagan)

As big as "hair metal" was in the late-80s, there were very few women singers that were as big as the boys and could hold their own next to them. That is, except for Fiona, who released a string of hard rock albums from the mid-80s to the early 90s scoring a couple moderate hits in the process. She is probably best known for her electric duet with fellow genetic lottery winner Kip Winger, "Everything You Do (Your Sexing Me)" which barely missed the top 40 in 1989. However, what makes Fiona Flanagan truly demand your respect is what all she accomplished when the music career petered out. She had the foresight to enroll in UCLA and become an accountant, which she did for many years before settling down as a mom to raise her kids in New Jersey.  In this absolutely enlightening conversation we discuss the state and treatment of women in rock during that time and whether she ever felt exploited by it (her answers may surprise you), what caused her to go into accounting, and her experience working with Bob Dylan on the set of Hearts of Fire. She's one of the most articulate and intelligent guests we've ever had. Prepare to be amazed.  http://www.fionarock.com/

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