USR 515: The Breakup You Have Been Resisting

It’s time to take out the trash. 


As listeners of Unstoppable Success Radio, you put yourself in a space for 20 minutes every Monday to learn, grow, stretch yourself, and step into true leadership. The truth of the matter is that there are people that are going to see the brilliance in you for years into the future. Then there are some that will discourage and distract you from stepping into your true potential. Those are not the people you want to be surrounding yourself with. 


I want to trigger a breakup. In today’s episode, I’m putting it all out there. I’m talking about breaking up with clients, relationships, friends, and the communities you are in if they are not evaluating and supporting you every day. Ask yourself, do they get an invitation to enter the next decade with you?


I’m talking about the truth today because we need to have these kinds of conversations. We are not only entering a new year but the next decade of our lives and business. It’s hard enough to push yourself to keep going on the days you don’t feel like going. The last thing you can afford in this next decade is to have anyone in your circle not cheering as hard, if not harder for you then you do yourself. 


Are you ready to take out the trash?


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