USR 505: The Confidence Creator with Heather Monahan

Did you know that 85% of the world suffers from a lack of confidence? 


Everyone goes through it. At some point in our lives, we feel like our demons are getting the best of us. We think a job is too big or our dreams are too scary to go after. That fear of not feeling confident enough takes over. Today, I want to change this mindset and help you build more confidence in yourself! 


In today’s episode, we have Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, and Podcast Host Heather Monahan, who is talking all about her journey out of Corporate America and building confidence! In her new book, Confidence Creator, she breaks down her lowest points in life and how she was able to create confidence out of them. 


One of the strategies she breaks down is firing the villains in your life. It could be a boss, a friend, or a customer. It’s anyone toxic in your life, someone who doesn’t lift you up. It’s time to fire them from your life. Take the steps you need to get rid of them and hold yourself accountable to take action! 


Make sure you get a copy of Heather’s new book, Confidence Creator on Amazon today! Follow her on all things social @heathermonahan 


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