USR 487 Accepting Change with Beth Comstock

Do you struggle with change?


Whether we like it or not, change is inevitable. It's occurring in our personal life, with our business and the world. The question we have to answer is, are we going to embrace that change or stick our heads in the group and ignore it?


Today I'm sitting down with Former Vice-Chair of GE, board member of Nike and best-selling author, Beth Comstock. In Beth's new book 'Image It Forward' she shares how her mission in life is to help convey and teach people what comes next and how to deal and embrace change. Beth explained that she struggled with change. 


The world today moves at a faster and faster pace than ever before. We are so consumed with collecting data and trying to find a logical reason to why things change. The truth is we don't want to accept it. Beth goes on to say that we delay making changes because we are scared of what comes next. 


Beth is breaking down critical areas from her book on how to accept change in your life and the importance of new discoveries. Make sure you check out her new book, Image It Forward in stores now! 


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