USR 363: Master The One Conversation Close

Take a moment right now to stop and think about where you put most of your time in your business. Marketing, advertising, finances, etc. How about improving your ability to close more clients?


This is an area I know for a FACT most entrepreneurs don’t take the time to work on. We run around scrambling in 100 different directions when really the trick is in closing more clients quickly… that way, you won’t have to scramble anymore.


I have created a FREE training package that you can use to help get a prospect on the phone, talk to them once, and finish the conversation with a new sale in the bank. All you have to do is head over to and get it sent directly to your email!


(2:14) “In almost every business I coach, if each member on the team just closed one more client a week it would impact the business and the business owner’s life in ways beyond what you could imagine.”


(5:11) “What do you want to charge? Where do you want your price point to be? That is a decision that you need to make. Then you back that decision up by saying what value do you need to bring in order to reasonably charge that?”


(8:11) “ So how about taking a step back, and taking some time to improve your ability to close so that you don’t need a million leads to get to your financial goals.”

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