USR 323: Surround Yourself With Brilliance

A year ago I went on the show and shared with you my word of 2017: LEGACY. My goal was to continue building a business and a team that would create a legacy for my family.


This year, my goal is to keep spreading the word. We have just a few spots left in the Legacy Leaders Mastermind and today I’m giving you all the information you need to make the next big step in your business. You will learn to build a team that shares your vision and drive and who is there to support you and help you grow.


Legacy Leaders is all about becoming the leader you were born to be. To get more information on the program head over to or set up a FREE 30 minute session with me to talk about your next steps by heading over to

(3:01) “...This was the year that you were ready to build a brilliant team of impact players and empire builders around you. Whether you are starting off today or you have been solo for quite awhile OR you have been in business and you have an established client base, you may realize that you have been the business for far too long and it's time to get really serious about learning recruit, hire, train etc.”


(6:40) “This year is really all about building on that [legacy] and being present... you know, having people that I have lost this year and knowing that our time here on the planet is so short and that every single moment matters. We never know when that time is going to get shortened or when someone we think we are going to have more time with… we wake up one morning and that time is gone.”


(8:16) “THAT is a career that can last a lifetime because you are building recurring income for yourself... passive income AND revenue. If you want to have a business where people are going to want to plant themselves for life and create a lifelong journey and career with you, then it is very important they have the ability to uncap their income and have access to that unlimited earning potential.”

For more business tips and strategies, follow along with Kelly:

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