USR 322: Using Pinterest to Build Your List with Jenna Kutcher

Pinterest: It’s a platform filled with wedding ideas, dresses, and how to make the world’s best chocolate chip cookies in your microwave. What if I told you that you could grow your email list and close more clients on Pinterest compared to Instagram or Facebook?


It’s time to listen up and start pinning your way to success. In this episode we are talking photographer, entrepreneur, and Pinterest expert Jenna Kutcher.


Jenna is schooling us on pinning the right content, attaching the perfect keywords, and to keep SHARING, SHARING, SHARING so you can grow your list!

(1:58) “I think so much of what we do and consume is visual. So it's so funny because I think that it is totally possible to have a curated and still authentic feed or platform. I like to draw people in through their eyes and so many of us are just hopping onto social media to have a little break from our realities, which are normally pretty messy.” -Jenna Kutcher


(8:03) We will jump into Canva, create 5 different pins that all promote that same freebie and we will link it up to either a lead page or a landing page or an opt-in page and that way we are driving traffic that serves a purpose.” -Jenna Kutcher


(15:12) One of the best things about Pinterest: we spend one hour a week on our Pinterest strategy. So if you are listening and thinking ‘do I do have time for one more platform?’, I want you to know this...Pinterest can be automated and that is a beautiful thing!” -Jenna Kutcher


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