USR 262: Build Your Infrastructure For Domination, NOT Expiration

There is no ‘i’ in team. It's the same in sports as it is in business. When you trust and know the team that is standing on the field with you, nothing can go wrong.


In business, we call this building your infrastructure. Building the foundation to get your business to the sky. It’s about creating a business that will be remembered for generations. In order to do that, we need to be thinking about the next step NOT the next five steps. Think about your business from day one of what you want to accomplish, set a goal. Then build the foundation for that dream.


When laying down the foundation you need to be thinking about a few things:

  • You always need to have traffic and leads coming into your business. Without your leads, there is no new income. You need these leads in order to grow and expand your business.
  • List building, list building, and list building. Once you capture your leads, you need to nurture them. People buy based on how much content they consume, so stay on their mind!

...And most importantly!

  • TEAM! TEAM! TEAM! You are not going to be able to be great at everything in your business. Find people who you trust, complement you and allow you to go international!


These are the things you need in order to build your business up. In order to have a solid and successful business, you need to build a strong foundation. Don’t let money be an excuse not to hire people. Embrace the team building experience and watch your business sore!  


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