USR 221: 3 Things Standing In The Way Of Your Entrepreneurial Dream And How To Overcome Them

Feeling stuck in your business? Been there, done that. There’s a “Big 3” when it comes to the reasons we feel stuck or small -- and the good news is that they can all be overcome with focus and discipline. In today’s episode, we’ll also dive into the ‘who and what,’ of things like lead generation, follow-up, and doing it all while still feeling authentic to YOU.

Also revealed in today’s episode:

  • Why ‘mastery’ should be your new growth word -- and one misconception about your business you can throw out immediately
  • The ‘Level Strategy’ that you can get started with today at no cost to you that will help to generate new leads and new clients
  • How to get around any lingering money issues while doing what you love -- content creation! -- and avoiding what you don’t love

If you’ve felt less than optimistic about where things are in your business at this point in the year, use this episode as your springboard to 10xing your results. It’s important to understand not only where the gaps fall in your business strategy, but allowing yourself and grow and develop into a person who rolls with the punches and self-corrects and pivots when needed. There’s still a lot of year left -- get started today with the strategies in today’s episode!


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