Angry Asian Man talks to Writer/Thinker/Asian American media Godfather Jeff Yang about A. Magazine, C-grade superheroes and the struggle to create content that speaks to the diversity of Asian America.
Angry Asian Man talks to Writer/Thinker/Asian American media Godfather Jeff Yang about A. Magazine, C-grade superheroes and the struggle to create content that speaks to the diversity of Asian America.
Angry Asian Man talks to writer and comedian Jenny Yang about dropping out of grad school, breaking into stand-up comedy and getting over the pursuit of perfection.
Angry Asian Man talks to writer/director Tze Chun about painting Ryan Gosling's portrait, working with Bryan Cranston and writing one of television's first and only Asian American kisses.
Angry Asian Man talks to actor and filmmaker Justin Chon about his award-winning indie film GOOK, why he wanted to make a movie set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots, and his Korean American family's personal connection to the conflict.