Angry Asian Man talks to attorney-turned hip hop artist Eugene Ahn, aka Adam WarRock, about why he gave up practicing law to rap about comic books, public radio and Downton Abbey.
Angry Asian Man talks to attorney-turned hip hop artist Eugene Ahn, aka Adam WarRock, about why he gave up practicing law to rap about comic books, public radio and Downton Abbey.
In the inaugural episode of SOUND AND FURY, Angry Asian Man talks to Ryan Suda of Blacklava, the Asian American apparel company celebrating its 20th anniversary.
Angry Asian Man talks to actor Parry Shen about the business of breaking into Hollywood, getting his soap opera sleaze on, and drawing inspiration from Raj, Rerun and the gang.
Angry Asian Man talks to writer/director Tze Chun about painting Ryan Gosling's portrait, working with Bryan Cranston and writing one of television's first and only Asian American kisses.