Angry Asian Man talks to filmmaker Evan Jackson Leong about cutting his teeth behind the scenes at Better Luck Tomorrow, having the inside track on Linsanity and getting a front row seat to a defining moment in Asian American cinema.
Angry Asian Man talks to filmmaker Evan Jackson Leong about cutting his teeth behind the scenes at Better Luck Tomorrow, having the inside track on Linsanity and getting a front row seat to a defining moment in Asian American cinema.
Angry Asian Man talks to actor Steven Yeun about being a pain-in-the-ass Korean son, his role as Glenn on AMC's The Walking Dead and what it's like to be one-half of the hottest post-apocalyptic romance on television.
Angry Asian Man talks to actor Parry Shen about the business of breaking into Hollywood, getting his soap opera sleaze on, and drawing inspiration from Raj, Rerun and the gang.
Angry Asian Man talks to Actor/Blogger Lynn Chen about soap opera love triangles, Asian American indie film and getting yelled at by Samuel L. Jackson.