Angry Asian Man talks to actor and Twinsters co-director Samantha Futerman about growing up as a Korean American adoptee, how a YouTube video reunited her with the twin sister she never knew she had, and why she decided to film the entire journey.
Angry Asian Man talks to actor and Twinsters co-director Samantha Futerman about growing up as a Korean American adoptee, how a YouTube video reunited her with the twin sister she never knew she had, and why she decided to film the entire journey.
Angry Asian Man talks to Actor/Blogger Lynn Chen about soap opera love triangles, Asian American indie film and getting yelled at by Samuel L. Jackson.
Angry Asian Man talks to actor Tamlyn Tomita about how a girl from the Valley got plucked to be Asian America's sweetheart, keeping it real with community, and embracing the enduring popularity of her most iconic roles.
Angry Asian Man talks to actor Parry Shen about the business of breaking into Hollywood, getting his soap opera sleaze on, and drawing inspiration from Raj, Rerun and the gang.