Short show this week. We follow our tradition of picking apart the details of Apple's announcements: News+, Arcade, Card and TV+.
Show Notes
Apple Event
- Kevin Clark (@vernalkick)
- Rafael Conde (@rafahari)
Short show this week. We follow our tradition of picking apart the details of Apple's announcements: News+, Arcade, Card and TV+.
Apple Event
Marcus and Angel answer a listener's questions on life experiences, pet peeves, and bucket lists.
Good morning and welcome to the ride! They just might be trippin' today. The CLO got a Koala Bear issue on the table today. Kanye set new streaming records. The crew share their experiences with the vaccine and how it…
Carrie attends an interactive lecture with Bernadette King, an expert in deciphering your very own power animal (which is definitely NOT your spirit animal or totem animal). Meanwhile, Ross learns about sacred geometry from Samuel Kiwasz, a retired science and…