This week we talk about learning FOMO, Kevin's unsolicited Overcast redesign and more!
Show Notes
SwiftUI cool people
Upside down
- Kevin Clark (@vernalkick)
- Rafael Conde (@rafahari)
This week we talk about learning FOMO, Kevin's unsolicited Overcast redesign and more!
SwiftUI cool people
In this episode, Kate and Laura argue about terrible things they hear people say when building products. Apparently, there are words more triggering than "chatbot." Drink Pairing: Dirty Martini
When talking about the indelible hits of the 80s, it doesn't get much bigger than "I Can't Wait" by Nu Shooz. Led by the husband and wife team of John Smith and Valerie Day, Nu Shooz finally hit the maintstream…
Good morning and welcome to the ride! "Let the word be told and let what you told be the word." The fellas talk about their worst experiences at a BBQ. Big Dog goes down memory lane and talks about two…