(2018/02/06) Very special Fuck You, ICE episode: ICE was at the Super Bowl for some reason; ICE deports Palestinian man living in U.S. for 40 years, arrests Kansas chemistry instructor who was taking his daughter to school

Episode #1839: Sign up to support Allison's future BRAND-NEW podcast at patreon.com/allisonkilkenny for as little as $1/month!

Chloe (@itsthechew) and Erek (@erek_smith) join the show to discuss listening recommendations Iron & Wine and Alexi Murdoch. Also, White House plans to withdraw "conspiracy theorist and anti-science extremist" pick, ambassador candidate dropped for warning against a preemptive strike on North Korea, father of three girls abused by Larry Nassar tries to attack him in court, FEMA to end food and water aid for Puerto Rico, and a very special fuck you to ICE: ICE agents were at the Super Bowl for some reason, ICE deports Palestinian man living in the U.S. for almost 40 years despite outcry and arrests a Kansas chemistry instructor while he was taking his daughter to school, green card veteran facing deportation starts hunger strike, and Paul Ryan deletes tweet about tax cuts after Twitter backlash

The Fun Aunts have discovered leopard print and they're FREAKING OUT. Watch, subscribe, and comment! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikyE7pN1DjQ

*** Desi calendars are available again for the Patreon supporters who sign up or upgrade to $10/month! patreon.com/allisonkilkenny

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