(2018/02/23) Marco Rubio absolutely eviscerated during town hall on gun violence; Trump needed a reminder to listen to Parkland survivors in “listening session”

Episode #1850: Sign up to support Allison's future BRAND-NEW podcast at patreon.com/allisonkilkenny for as little as $1/month!

Charles (@charlesrockhill) joins the show to talk Queer EyeAltered Carbon, and season 3 of Scream. Also, homophobic Billy Graham is dead, Marco Rubio is absolutely eviscerated during town hall on gun violence and NRA's Dana Loesch is constantly booed, right-wingers accuse Parkland students of being actors, Trump needed a reminder to listen to Parkland survivors in "listening session" and announces his solution to school shootings is to arm teachers with guns, Parkland shooting survivor tearfully asks Trump why it's so easy to buy an AR-15, Florida House of Representatives is fine with guns but rules that porn is a health risk, Trump directs DOJ to craft ban on "bump stocks," and Texas school district threatens to suspend students who protest gun violence

The Fun Aunts have discovered leopard print and they're FREAKING OUT. Watch, subscribe, and comment! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikyE7pN1DjQ

*** Desi calendars are available again for the Patreon supporters who sign up or upgrade to $10/month! patreon.com/allisonkilkenny

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