April 27, 2016
Alex Borstein (Family Guy! Getting On!) makes it weird!
Alex Borstein (Family Guy! Getting On!) makes it weird!
Gregg Jarrett, Host of the New Podcast, “The Brief” and author of two NY Times Bestsellers, the Russia Hoax and Witch Hunt, and John Solomon, Editor in Chief of Just the News, and author of the book Fallout, they discuss…
This week I spoke with Dr. John Hagelin! John is a quantum physicist, public policy expert, President of the David Lynch Foundation and Chair of the Center for Leadership Performance.For the past 25 years he has been leading a scientific…
Rog and Rory are back to look at the UEFA Champions League Round of 16. Rory breaks down the FFP charges against Manchester City and what they could mean for the last decade of English Football. Plus, a preview of…