Ali Waller (comedy! Late Night with Jimmy Fallon!) makes it weird!
Ali Waller (comedy! Late Night with Jimmy Fallon!) makes it weird!
Rog talks about a World Without Football and breaks down the realities of when we may see the Premier League Return. Plus, the debut of "WGFOP: The Bald," a new segment on which we play GFOP phone calls and Rog…
Today on the show we had someone that may be similar to coffee that will definitely wake your ass up cause he is definitely "Woke" and that is Dr. Umar Johnson. He spoke about police brutality, interracial. dating and black…
Whats up Trap-De-Sac we are back at it again for another week! The boys are joined by their good Friend Jessica Cymone(@Jessicacymone) and they get into a bunch of topics. They discuss the difference between lotion and moisturizer, Roller blading cops,…