
On todays show we really take a dive into the subject of R&B and can you take your sexy too serious? At some point does squintng your eyes in all of your photos and oiling up your body get corny?  What happened to the era of music where the artist were just a little more discreet about what happens between the sheets? We briefly cover the topic of writers block.  We beleive its one of those things that is just about being in your head to much.  You have it all there but sometimes its just a fear of what may appear on the paper in front of you. Of course we had to talk about Odell Beckhem Jr and his antics in the locker after the grueling loss to the greenbay packers.  Thats why we dont go to miami if we have work to do because in miami you cant get work done! Thank you for listening make sure you give us feed back. We are going to do our best to make this year of podcasting the best one yet! 

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