March 14, 2019
Poor Uncle Jesse...
Poor Uncle Jesse...
The return of Rosenberg, in Joe's absence, Mari and Rory sit with Peter Rosenberg to discuss Mari's Toronto disappearance, The Grammy's, Karen Civil, Peter's gig at ESPN, and the overall direction of the Podcast. Sleeper songs of the week: Marisa's…
Jessica Pishko, who recently published a piece about the devastation left behind by Hurricane Helene, joins Tyler Foggatt to discuss conspiracy theories that have emerged in the storm’s wake. On social media, people have falsely claimed, among other things, that…
We talk a lot about entrepreneurship on the show, but today's episode is all about INTRAPRENEURS. What is an intrapreneur, anyway? Intrapreneurs are the people you need on your rocket ship, if you want to build a successful…