May 2, 2019
Spoilers everywhere (Avengers Endgame and GOT Spoilers 47:29 - 1:29:30)
Spoilers everywhere (Avengers Endgame and GOT Spoilers 47:29 - 1:29:30)
This week, Kid Fury & Crissle are reading Kim Kardashian for blood…literally. Chris Brown, A$AP Rocky, Azealia Banks and Bloomberg are just a few others that also catch the shade. Plus, why is Kid Fury a dateless dweeb? Listen up…
In this episode of People’s Party, Talib Kweli and Jasmin Leigh sit down with rapper, author, producer, and one of the most influential, and respected figures around the world. We're not just talking hip-hop, but ALL of popular culture. The…
Professional wrestling, and hip hop often both require BIG PERSONALITIES on the mic. This weeks guest fit the criteria for the above. nZo has been building a bridge between hip hop & wrestling while creating his own lane to maintain…