Ep 25: How Bad Do YOU Want It? With Amanda Bayerle of The True Challenge

Amanda Bayerle is an entrepreneur who believes in the power of health and focusing on your wellbeing -- even as a busy business owner. Amanda is the co-founder of The True Challenge, who by the age of 19 traveled the world, completed ministry school, and found financial success in a marketing firm.

Although she is a bikini competitor, Amanda shares a huge attribute with you: It is BETTER to be your own boss!

It's easy to lose sight of your health while pursuing wealth. However, your energy and health is one of the greatest things that directly impact growing your business (and being able to enjoy that growth!)

In this episode, you will learn:

- The simple health hacks that you can implement now (that won't take away from your work schedule)

- Amanda's philosophy on personal growth that will directly impact your business growth

- The importance of finding mentors, learning from the best, and how to work all of these things into a healthy and productive schedule


Are you ready to see a BIG change by starting with SMALL changes? You don't need to sacrifice yourself to run a successful business - in fact, your business DESERVES a healthy you.


To grab Amanda's exclusive FREE OFFER for Unstoppable Success Radio listeners, visit TheTrueChallenge.com/videoseries


Connect with Amanda:

Twitter: @TheTrueChalleng

Email: Amanda@thetruechallenge.com

Website: www.thetruechallenge.com


For more business tips and strategies, follow along with Kelly:

Join the Tribe of Unstoppables on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2080754075505322/


Website: https://kellyroachcoaching.com



UE Revolution: https://www.instagram.com/uerevolution/

UE Marketing Mastery: https://www.instagram.com/uemarketingmastery/

Kelly Roach: https://www.instagram.com/kellyroachofficial 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/kellyroachlive

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