Ep. 72: Making Connections to Move Your Business Forward with Nicole Culver

Nicole Culver is the host of the Blissful Bites podcast and founder of Blissful Eats, an organic snack company. Her goal is to help women get focused, follow their dreams, and be happy in their everyday life. Nicole is a work at home mom to two girls, loves cooking, the early morning and lots of coffee.


Nicole realized that she wasn’t going to start moving forward in her business if she didn’t start making connections – so that’s just what she started doing and is here today to share her experience with you.


You will learn:

- The key to moving your business forward (hint, it’s in the title!)

- How to get started building authentic connections

- Top 3 health tips for busy entrepreneurs


This episode is full of advice and strategies for the entrepreneur or “wantrepreneur” who isn’t excited about life and hasn't been living up to their full potential. Nicole gives you the best way to start building connections with others that will help you expand and leverage your business.



Connect with Nicole:

www.nicoleculverblog.com/summit - Get ready to take action and listen to 22 entrepreneurs talk at the Food Entrepreneur Summit. Click the link to join or find out more information.



Blissful Bites Podcast on iTunes, Sticher, or www.nicoleculverblog.com/podcast


For more business tips and strategies, follow along with Kelly:

Join the Tribe of Unstoppables on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2080754075505322/


Website: https://kellyroachcoaching.com



UE Revolution: https://www.instagram.com/uerevolution/

UE Marketing Mastery: https://www.instagram.com/uemarketingmastery/

Kelly Roach: https://www.instagram.com/kellyroachofficial 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/kellyroachlive

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