Episode 19
On Today’s Million Dollaz Worth Of Game Gillie shares a story of Wallo’s misinterpretation of a Massage Parlor. Wallo walks into a Commercial establishment that is classy, looking for something nasty.
(6:10) Heads or tails
(13:10) When did dancing become cheating?
(19:35) Million Dollaz Worth Of Game: HIDDEN NUDES
(30:03)Who would you be?
(37:35) Danger With Dev: DUMBO SLICE
(45:36) Stories From A Cell: MEDICATED ZOMBIES
The Million Dollaz Worth of Game show, a weekly podcast with rapper Gillie Da King and social media influencer and disruptor Wallo267 (who are also first-cousins) targeting their combined social media presence of over 1.3 million followers.
Gillie and Wallo’s audiences have been demanding a podcast and this is the delivery. For their audience, the Million Dollaz Worth of Game show bridges the gap between social media and reality tv, satiating the hunger for original and authentic content.
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