Episode 216 – Dave Schelzel of The Ocean Blue

Since their buzzworthy debut in 1989, Hershey Pennsylvania's Ocean Blue have never strayed from their perfect mix of the Smiths meets the Cocteau Twins to the delight of their rabid fanbase. Today these fans have reason to rejoice because they guys have just released a new album, Kings and Queens/Knaves and Thieves and it's just good as anything else they've done in the last 30 years. In this conversation, frontman Dave Schelzel and I recount their entire career, what was happening behind the scenes for each album, as well as in his personal life. Today Dave is a lawyer, so we discuss how he works new music into his life. We also chat about their producer and former guest of the show Mark Opitz. The Ocean Blue are a top 10 all time favorite band of mine and Dave is by far one of our most requested guests, so we're extremely honored to hear from him. And check out the new album!



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