Episode 71 – Tito Larriva of The Plugz/The Cruzados/Tito & Tarantula/Beloved Movie Soundtrack Fame

Tito Larriva hasn't stopped working in 40 years. His many musical disguises (The Plugz, The Cruzados, Tito & Tarantula) have paralleled his second career in the movie business, both as an actor and a soundtrack legend. At the core of these many personalities is the heart of a musical genius and shapeshifter who has found much success by being the right guy for the job and always good at what he does. His career has spanned everything from porn to Pee-Wee Herman and Swayze to Tarantino. Get turned on to an excellent musician and a consummate artist.  http://www.titoandtarantula.com/WELCOME.html

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