From Study Abroad Student to Entrepreneur (Interview with Latasha Moore, Tasha Teaches Spanish) ♫ 110

Latasha Moore went from waiting anxiously to finding out if she qualified for a study abroad program to applying for her first bilingual job, and finally starting her own business.

In our conversation, we talk about:

  • What qualifications you really need to work abroad (*spoiler alert: you DON'T need to pass any difficult exams to do it)
  • How cultural immersion helped her grow in her ability to speak Spanish
  • How she maintained her Spanish proficiency after returning to the United States after living and working abroad
  • The benefits of learning Spanish from a non-native speaker

Tasha obtained a BA in Spanish from Arkansas State University. After graduation she lived in Spain where she worked as an English teacher assistant. Upon returning to the US, she worked a series of jobs that involved using the Spanish language. She most recently worked as the Health Program Coordinator for El Zócalo Immigrant Resource Center and the Little Rock Mexican Consulate.

Her company Tasha Teaches Spanish is a Spanish education service that makes up for where school systems fall short. We believe that a child shouldn’t have to wait until junior high to begin learning a foreign language.

Show Notes:

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