Kardashian pettiness, Black TV pettiness and more.
Kardashian pettiness, Black TV pettiness and more.
Friday 1/20 - Today on the show we were accompanied by three people we call family, Cardie B, who is promoting her mixtape, Gary Vaynerchuk, to help motivate our listeners to become more business savy and TK Kirkland who is…
On this episode of People’s Party with Talib Kweli, Kweli and co-host Jasmin Leigh sit down with underground legend Pharoahe Monch to talk about his career up and downs -- from the smash success of “Simon Says” to the lawsuit…
Marcus and Angel discuss the heavy topics of #MeToo and #TimesUp. Has rape culture truly blinded men of their own horrible behavior or is there a grey area? Watch the podcast on https://www.youtube.com/thepregnantangel