YouTuber, comedian, author, UNICEF ambassador... Lilly Singh truly is a superwoman. Listen to her and Ashley talk about how she got to where she is today (from psych degree to YouTube), how she deals with online trolls (write it out, then delete), her take on diversity in the industry (there should be more than one seat at the table), and lots more. It's a talk full of a lot of laughs, and even more important lessons. A 368 & Pretty Big Deal Production Executive Producers: Kelsey McWilliams & Paul Leys Producers: Ava Coleman, Ann Lupo Director/Editor: Ann Lupo Appearance By: Darsell Obregon Camera Operators: Ann Lupo, Livia Coullias Blanc, Christian Chapman, Nadine Martinez, Griffin Yu, Aaron Pryka Assistant Editor: Aaron Pryka Sound Engineers: YongSoo Lee, Destiny Farrant Podcast Producer: John Lagomarsino Set Design: Colleen Dodge Production Assistant: Casey Steidle Music Supervisor: Nicole Sylva Music: The Spencer Lee Band Art design: Jess Severn Special Thanks To: 368 & Anchor