August 21, 2019
Martha Kelly (comedy! Baskets!) makes it weird!
Martha Kelly (comedy! Baskets!) makes it weird!
Learn Spanish expressions with the salsa song Valió la Pena by Marc Anthony. This is an upbeat song that's fun to dance to, plus you'll learn some useful expressions you can use in daily conversation. I also give a few…
As a CEO or entrepreneur you might be running a million miles an hour, in a hundred different directions, and still, find yourself not seeing your ideal results. This is because the more we dilute our energy, the more our…
Tuesday 1/3- The World Most Dangerous Morning Show is back from break with perfect timing because it was Angela Yee's birthday. Today phone lines opened up to discuss the new trend the #SouljaBoyChallenge. Also, because Charlamagne needed just a little…