Shutting your ass up is still free.
Shutting your ass up is still free.
Throughout the 80s and 90s, the Hoodoo Gurus elevated the art of hooky power pop showing a mastery few others of the era could emulate. And though they never landed that deserved crossover hit, they were mainstays on college radio…
This week on It's Happening: Snooki and Joey talk about The VMA awards, dating life, nervous pooping, celebrity gossip, and Joey makes a big announcement! This episode is sponsored by Manscaped & Best Fiends.
Episode #1829: Sign up to support Allison's future BRAND-NEW podcast at for as little as $1/month! Faith (@bohemianfaith) and Erek (@erek_smith) join the show to discuss lots of witchy stuff. Also, White House slams Democrats as "obstructionist losers" following shutdown, and the…