Rhett & Link (Good Mythical Morning! Ear Biscuits!) make it weird!
Rhett & Link (Good Mythical Morning! Ear Biscuits!) make it weird!
I used to not really believe one of my now favorite quotes: “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”-Helen Keller Mostly because up until my early twenties, I felt like I had to…
The Ringer’s Sean Fennessey and Chris Ryan discuss the successes and failures of filmmakers who have recently overseen big-budget franchises, such as Matt Reeves’s ‘Planet of the Apes’ series, Michael Bay’s ‘Transformers’ series, and Christopher Nolan’s sustained run (1:05). Later,…
This week, Crissle lets you know how she feels about a drugged out rapping Amanda Bynes! Everyone is judging Miguel, Beyoncé will having escort you out and Kid Fury is always late! We also introduce a new sponsor, Audible.com. Go…