Shannon O'Neill (UCB! The Chris Gethard Show!) makes it weird!
Shannon O'Neill (UCB! The Chris Gethard Show!) makes it weird!
You’ve heard it a million times (and you might roll your eyes at it): MINDSET. What today’s episode will do is encourage you to do is specifically to switch from a tactical mindset to a strategic mindset -- so you…
In this episode, Laura and Kate revisit the concept of Change Aversion and talk about why change is hard for users and what you can do to make it easier. Drink Pairing: California Zinfandel
The Bolshoi flirted with Goth and synth pop in the late 80s, but what they ended up doing was releasing some great alternative rock songs. "A Way", "Lindy's Party" and "Sunday Morning" still hold up and tours with Peter Murphy and…