Casting that first thirty feet of line out can sometimes be tricky. Tom has some easy tips for the advanced and beginner angler alike, so you can false cast less and fish more.
Casting that first thirty feet of line out can sometimes be tricky. Tom has some easy tips for the advanced and beginner angler alike, so you can false cast less and fish more.
Tom is on the road this week so we are posting a backcast episode from January of 2011 on emergers. This is one of Tom's "Black Diamond" episodes where he shares some more advanced fly-fishing techniques.
Check out the New Mirage Reel from Orvis featuring Conway Bowman!
This week, my guest is Orvis casting guru Pete Kutzer, and we talk about casts for difficult trout. Often you don't need great casting skills or special casts to catch trout, but there are times when a little razzle-dazzle will…