The Ryan Show FM: 02/18/2021

Join us tonight for another jam packed edition of @theryanshowfm!

This week on #TheRyanShowFM the boys are joined by NFL Legend turned broadcaster Bart Scott and NFL Linebacker turned Artist Aaron Maybin. Once again Scott & Maybin have combined forces to found T-Shirts 4 Change, a clothing line created to raise awareness and money in the fight for racial equality. Check out their website to learn more.

Dennis Kellman stopped by to promote his new mixtape “Too Old To Rap” featuring Mr. Cheeks and brought NYC staple DJ Johnny Wishbone with him. Dennis is en route to proving the doubters including his own family members wrong about there being an age limit to create hip hop music. We also get a quick glimpse into the newly created digital currency #Nibru with founder Que Mussolini.

All this and more on another cant miss episode of TRS FM!

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