The Ryan Show FM: 09/03/2020

Over the years The Ryan Show FM has been known to “bridge the gap” by taking its guests & fans out of this comfort zone. Once again by bringing on our Uncle Mike aka Officer Michael Dowd, this week's program did exactly that!

Notorious Ex-NYPD Cop and star of the #SevenFive documentary Mike Dowd stopped by to give us his take on police brutality and the conflicted state of the country. As you can expect it's never a dull moment with Mr. Dowd, especially when he brings his better half with him!

Rapper Jeevz B called in to let us know that he has officially out his hip hop career on hold until he finds the woman of his dreams. To any beautiful ladies looking to compete for Jeevz B’s heart in The Ryan Show’s first dating game of 2020 feel free to sign up via a DM to The Ryan Show.

#theryanshow #theryanshowfm #ryanverneuille #mrcheeks #hamptonsdave #newmusic #classicmusic #varietyshow #mikedowd #jeevzb #comedyradio #joescurto #indigopatchogue #craftburgerchris #thesevenfive

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