The Ryan Show FM: 09/10/2020

This week Americans far and wide are celebrating the return of the highest grossing American sport - FOOTBALL. To help contribute to the return of the pig skin we brought on Carl Banks of the greatest linebacker tandem in the history of the sport, The Big Blue Wrecking Crew.

Although NYC Stand Up Comedian Big T is best known for his love of THC don't make the mistake of overlooking his sports betting expertise. Who better than the million milligram man to provide us with surefire picks to help us cash in on Week 1 of the NFL season?

Maishah Hendrix stopped by to invite our friends and fans in the northwest to the celebration of her late & great father Jimi Hendrix being held in Seattle, WA.

From the kickoff to the last minute of the show, this week's episode is a cant miss!

#theryanshow #theryanshowfm #ryanverneuille #mrcheeks #hamptonsdave #carlbanks #bigbluewreckingcrew #nygiants #bigt #maishahhendrix #jimihendrix #indigopatchogue #craftburgerchris

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