The Ryan Show FM: 10/28/2021

While Mr. Cheeks was off reuniting the #lostboyz we had to make sure to bring in the big guns. Ghana’s finest broadcaster best known to the world as @yussifpromotions touched down on the airwaves for an entire episode.

We sat down with OSMG artist IFE Smke who has been making major waves in Gary, Indiana. SMKE gives us the rundown on the midwest hip hop scene and hits us with a solid dose of #blingblow.

Strap in become less ignorant on global cultures ad foreign affairs alongside of your two favorite Hamptons sicilian mutts Hamptons Dave & Ryan.

MONDAY 11/01 is the ever-so-anticipated @abbakindertalentshow - For more info visit the link in @theryanshow Instagram bio

#theryanshow #theryanshowfm #ryanverneuille #hamptonsdave #mrcheeks #thehamptons #fmradio #comedyradio #osmg #abbakinder

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