The Ryan Show FM: 11/26/2020

What goes better with your jive turkey than a fresh earful of The Ryan Show FM? Join your favorite radio trio as they celebrate Thanksgiving with friends both old and new.

Long time friend, rising emcee and flourishing entrepreneur King F.L.O. joined us to discuss his new music, work with #StreetHeat, custom beard oil and new deal with #WuTangManagement.

Up and coming Memphis sensation White Sosa zoomed in to discuss the remix to his new single #Allegations. In a time of rap beefs and bloodshed, White Sosa cooked up a gem of a video to help end violence and unite his city.

All this and MORE on another episode of The Ryan Show FM!

If you’re in the PA area join us this Friday night 11/27 in the city of #York for an epic Mr. Cheeks performance. Mask up!!!

#theryanshow #theryanshowfm #theryanshowsports #mrcheeks #hamptonsdave #ryanverneuille #kingflo #whitesosa #thanksgivingspecial

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