The Ryan Show FM: 12/23/2021

It doesn't matter if you're on the naughty or nice list cause this Christmas we‘re bringing something for everybody!

We start by jumping feet first into the chimney to investigate the cases of #JeffreyEpstein and #GhislaineMaxwell with help from in-family conspiracy expert #GreggKudlek.

Next we are joined by a lead actor on Power Book II @danielleebellomy who stopped by to promote his upcoming music. Many who know Mr. Bellomy for his spectacular portrayal of Zeke will be as blown away as the crew was when they hear him sing.

Legendary brand builder and CEO of Sovereign Brands @brettberishceo came through to gift our listeners incredible gems of wisdom for the holiday season. Everyone purchase a fresh bottle of @officialbelaire and tap into this year's Christmas special in style!

#theryanshow #theryanshowfm #christmasspecial #ryanverneuille #mrcheeks #hamptonsdave #fmradio #sovereignbrands #brettberish #danielleebellomy #thehamptons

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