UES 568: Ask Kelly – Growing Your Team and Service Excellence

2020 is a great year to be grounded in gratitude. Gratitude solves almost all of life’s worries. Let’s all remember how lucky we all are to have the problems we have right now. So now, let’s all focus on something that is bigger than ourselves and give back.


Matt Travis is a shining example of this. He runs an online health and lifestyle business, The Potential-U, serving mompreneurs as they equip themselves to build their businesses. Kelly discusses business growth with Matt, and offers helpful advice on getting the right people in the right places without sacrificing quality.


Our second guest, Myoshia Boykin Anderson, is ready to take AndTech Solutions to the next level. Her success has brought her to the point of needing to hire sales representatives. Kelly discusses the most effective ways to compensate your team for closing sales for your business.

Jamila Payne, our final guest, runs Daily Success Routine. A day planner that helps busy professionals conquer work and life goals, manage projects and be more productive. She is looking to optimize her business and bring her team on board to achieve further growth in 2020. Kelly shares tips on creating recurring revenue, and how to avoid the leaky bucket syndrome. Being obsessed with service excellence.


For more business tips and strategies, follow along with Kelly:

Join the Tribe of Unstoppables on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2080754075505322/


Website: https://kellyroachcoaching.com



UE Revolution: https://www.instagram.com/uerevolution/

UE Marketing Mastery: https://www.instagram.com/uemarketingmastery/

Kelly Roach: https://www.instagram.com/kellyroachofficial 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/kellyroachlive

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