USR 215: Gain Positivity And Power Through Perspective (The Impact Report)

“Gaining perspective will give you the strength, the clarity on life's challenges”

Changing your perspective on how you view the world will change how you feel in life and in business. Life is crazy and there is chaos and turbulence and sometimes it's hard to see a clear path. But it’s all about creating one key thing... mental toughness! Mental toughness is absolutely essential to becoming a champion in everything you do.


By changing your perspective, it can give you strength that you never thought before. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Realize that they may not have the same resources, education or support as you and making it a point to give back. Extend your reach and make giving back part of your business. I encourage you to complete random acts of kindness -- big or small -- and see how amazing it feels to help someone who needs it!

Here’s what our company did this month to support our Campaign for Humanity (

  • Bring clean drinking water to dozens of people for life
  • Pay for a surgery through Operation Smile to help heal a child cleft palate
  • Make donations to Red Cross to help with the rebuilt of Haiti
  • Donating food to the Chester County Food Bank
  • Making donations to help veterans get back on their feet through David’s Drive


“Make random acts of kindness part of your DNA and see the change inside of you”


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