USR 228: Niki Pfeiffer on the VITALS (and the “hustle”) in Your Business

“If you’re going to lead with hustle, you’re always going to have to hustle.” -- Niki Pfeiffer, Unstoppable Success Radio


Niki Pfeiffer is the Founder of Cocktail CEO and recognized business growth expert! More than that, she shows entrepreneurs and executive leaders to cut through the noise and get down to the vital things that matter -- and drive sales (with less stress). Niki’s book, How to Make Your Business Stand Out in 5 Happy Hours, released this past winter, is helping people stand up and out in their professional lives.


Niki shares the start of her career - at one of the largest business consulting firms to Fortune 500 companies. But what’s impacted her the most in all of her unique experience in working with companies of all sizes, narrowing down the things that work no matter where you’re at today.


Revealed in this episode:

  • Objectives behind content marketing -- the ones that matter and the ones that are just misconceptions
  • Why we need to look at ‘focus’ differently and how to adapt the attitude of the highest-earning executives in the world
  • Using your competition for leverage in a smart, strategic way -- and scale up quickly



We HIGHLY encourage you to grab a copy of Niki’s book so that you can adapt your focus, create your 5 crucial “happy hours” in your business, and get back to the vital thats matter in your business.



“In a year to 18 months, you can go from not even being on the radar to leading in your industry.” -- Niki Pfieffer



Mentioned in this episode:

Niki’s book, How to Make Your Business Stand Out in 5 Happy Hours


Connect with Niki:

Twitter: @theCocktailCEO


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